martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

How sciencie and technology affects human life?

1-What is sciencie? Sciencie from the latin word ´´scientia´´ whith means knowtedge. It formulates theories and laws.

2-what is technology? Techonology from technologia whitch maens the study of art and skill. It uses the sciencies theories and laws to make equipament and apparatus.

3-How is our life affected by sciencie and technology? Our life is closely linked technological advances. Thanks to the speed of communication we can leam about new discoveries made by researchers worldwide and in all fields. Sciencie is put to our service to improve our quality of life.
The truth is that we find it difficult to think as the ingeniaban those who have lived in the past to cope with everyday problems without all the means and resources available to us today and it is that sciencie is in a constant evolution and its main mission is to make our lives better.
Sciencie wants to explain and predict natural and social phenomena. It is not an easy task, since nature is constantly changing. Like reality. Because of the influence these advances have on the children, the family is not immune to these changes and many parents provokes a feeling of vertigo, ignorance, helplessness and uncertainty in their lives cotidiana. Regular and know the use ofict is a experience that the family members, which affects family relationships and the role that each plays in the same face.
The adoption of any technology is a conscious act of adding complexity to our lives.

4-Is present better than the past time? Yes, sciencie and technology have been of great use in this   world is advancing and improving, it is better than before and is more useful for everyday applications and more.

5-what are the advantage and disadvantage of sciencia and technology?
*We make things easier and helps to communicate better.
*It makes our work easier.
* Sciencie helps keep new and better discoveries.
*There is easy addiction who use it.
*There is environmental pollution and harm to people, due to the creation of inventions in factories producing desmog.
*The technology used for entertainment (games, internet, tv.etc) can sometimes cause us to stop physical activity and overweight suffer, also in the worst cases it may be addiction.

Advantages: this is the only way to try things that is complete. Verifiable and comprehensive malaria. This means that a demonstration is only valid if it can be repeated again, always with the same result. With this method, sciencie assures us that scientific knowledge have a demonstrable to any solid base. The result is that it produces absolutely reliable knowledged, contrary to speculation belief superstition, etc.

6-is technology used adequately by young people?

No, the vast majority of utmost importance that give it are social networks which takes them away from their studies , but there are many more students who use it to things that are very important as the study and more.

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