martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Advantages and disadvantage
of technology

Advantages of technolgy

1-     Helps us to gather information

2-     We can download files, music, games, movies

3-     Helps to improve teaching and learning process

4-     We can be updated through social happenings

5-     We can state our opinions through web (blogs, twitter, etc.)

6-     We can buy stuffs through web (online shopping)

Disadvantage of technology

1-     Some people are addicted to it
2-     Job Loss: Modern technology has replaced many humans; robots are doing of the jobs which used to be done by humans
3-     Competency – Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity.
4-      Modern technology has been the main aid in the increasing and endless wars.
5-     Social Isolation is on the increase, people are spending more time playing video games,
6-     Technology related diseases: Human beings are becoming addicted to the new technologies and gadgets, especially, internet and computers.

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